Tuesday, April 12, 2005

the fantastic adventures of Billy D and Bea the Cool monk!

it is now day 10 of my fantastic journey to the fidillanggi dessssert. there have been many wonderful experiences that only i and Bea the cool monk(my trustworthy baggage handler)

the experiences were:
1. encounter with the gigantic sand mouse.

there are many things i have learned in this fantastic voyage:
1. dont sleep while bieng bitten by a black mamba
2. put yourself in her shoes
3. kill time by shooting at innocent bystanders and senior citizens
4. the value of a woman is measured by the length of its dick
and finally
5. there should be no vanity when it comes to horse racing.

i have met different kinds of people in this trip. so far they are:
1. the malay five
2. the snake moms

i think this trip will soon come to and end because of the 50 tornados coming right at me. oh wait! Bea the cool monk has engaged herself in a one on one battle with the 49 tornados.... i guess its up to me now.... yes we did it!


Blogger master CHU said...

hello! i'm ninikaratunkhar. warrior and chef of the banilo empire! i've experienced the same ordeal when i was with my friend diny "the black filipino" and that was just June of last year. my advise to you is this...

1. always bring your burger steak slicer

2. never ever sing the song "love moves in collosal ways!


3. whatever happens never ever say hi to bornakharrl. he is a very dangerous bear!


Friday, April 22, 2005 9:10:00 AM  

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